Zadania ZENIT v elektronike, fotografie, informácie z krajských kôl a celoslovenského finále súťaže ZENIT v elektronike
9. - 11. február 2016, Spojená škola, Ľ. Podjavorinskej 22, Prešov
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Projekt Petra Katuščáka
- Dual RF power detector optimized for pulsed signals. The board is a 1:1 replacement of the currently used dual channel power detectors AED-00045, which supports also fast pulsed signals during cavity conditioning, Linac operation, or SPS ion operation. Primary application is the circulator reflection control by PLC during LHC cavity conditioning
Projekty Adama Lassaka
- Thermal compensation of the optical RF delay lines for SPS damper
- Signal distribution system for the reference signals within the LLRF lab complex (optical/metallic)
- SPS damper pickup and test point signal fan-out for observation and Oasis digitizers in BA2